
Environmental image showing a forest with sunlight and ball of water

Rhopoint Components Ltd are committed to meeting all environmental rules and regulations set for the distribution industry and office management. As an important value to Rhopoint, we strive to protect our environment through various management practices and decisions seen throughout our business.

We support a precautionary approach to environmental management, which strives to anticipate and prevent potential environmental degradation. We are committed to complying with local, national, and international environmental regulations applicable to our operations and business services and will work towards integrating environmental considerations into our operations, asset management, and other business decisions, in all markets.

We intend to review and update our practices periodically to incorporate relevant developments in environmental management. We conduct internal environmental reviews and measure our activities against green goals.

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations by addressing the areas of energy use, business travel and waste management. We recognise our impact on the environment comes from:

  • Electricity to heat, cool and power manufacturing plant and office equipment
  • Gas for heating
  • Travel by air, road and rail to visit suppliers, clients and conduct internal meetings
  • Water in offices used for a variety of purposes
  • Resources such as paper
  • Waste including paper, plastic and electronic components and I.T. equipment

What we do

  • Encourage staff to manage property, plant and equipment in an energy efficient way
  • Provide recycling facilities for paper, printer toners etc.
  • Encourage double sided printing and copying
  • Use appropriately licensed organisations to remove and where possible recycle IT and electronic equipment in accordance with WEEE regulations
  • Encourage car sharing for commuting purposes
  • Provide a “Ride to Work”cycling scheme
  • Provide teleconferencing facilities at each location

Our Future Objectives

  • Avoid unnecessary business related travel by the use of video conferencing and telephone communication where possible
  • If business travel is necessary we will use the most environmentally friendly mode of transport, consistent with business needs
  • Reduce overall the resources we use
  • Aim for a paper-free office culture
  • Reducing use of paper letters and internal reports, where alternative electronic mechanisms can be used
  • Consider environmental criteria when choosing services and goods
  • Fundamentally, we will reduce our impact on the environment and ask that our staff, suppliers and clients do likewise