Electronic Components


Looking for Electronic Components?

The below manufacturers are our authorised partners that produce Electronic Components or related products.

Electronic Components

From our first product to our primary sellers, electronic components have been at the heart of our business since the beginning. We offer an extensive range of electronic components to suit a wide range of industries and applications, these include:

  • Attenuators
  • Capacitors
  • Digital Isolators
  • JFETs
  • Relays & Switches
  • Resistors
  • Semiconductors
  • Terminators & Power Splitters
  • Thermistors

Whilst we try to cover as many of your needs as possible, sometimes specialist options are required to meet your exact specification. The majority of our manufacturing partners are able to customise their standard products to suit such requirements. Whether a custom capacitance or resistance value, TCR, VCR, tolerance, lead length, terminations, or package. If you are struggling to see the part you are looking for, or would like some advice on what to select, talk to one of our friendly advisors who will be happy to help. Get in touch now!

Featured products

Isabellenhütte BAL Series

  • Precision shunt resistor
  • Resistance value of 0.1mΩ
  • Tolerance of ±5%
  • TCR of 20 ± 40 ppm/℃
  • Up to 12W permanent power
  • Continuous current load up to 350 A
  • AEC-Q200 qualification

Isabellenhütte WAK Series

  • Current sensing precision resistor
  • Constant current up to 90A (0.5mΩ)
  • Resistance range from 0.0005Ω and 0.001Ω
  • Tolerances of ±1.0% and ±5.0%
  • TCR of <100 and <130 ppm/K
  • Power rating of 4W (up to 150°C)
  • AEC-Q200 qualified